Plaza de las armas, Cusco (Maddie Jones)With the exception of my brother, it was the first time for any of us in South America and I must admit it was a little anti-climactic. Our plane touched down at 10:40 and we wearily stumbled off the aircraft, some of us more aware than others. Brian had used a few beers to wash down a handful of anti-stress pills before boarding the plane so he was zombie-like as he marched up the fluorescently lit gangway. The rest of us were slightly more chipper but still reeling a bit from the sub-par avian dinner of chicken grizzle in lumpy sauce.
Immigration was a fast moving line and our bags showed up on the belt pretty quickly. In no time we found ourselves breathing in the cool Lima air. It was a damp night, although not raining, and we lugged our bags across the street to the hotel where we were staying, the Costa del Sol. After forking over our passports and being presented with our free drink ticket we took the elevator up to our rooms.
Not being able to pass up a freebie we all, with the exception of passed-out Brian, proceed back down to the bar for our pisco-sour on the rocks. It was cool and refreshing although our heads were abuzz with the possible consequences of our nightcap. Would the alcohol make altitude acclimatization more difficult? Would the ice give us traveler's diarrhea? Did we even like pisco? Luckily by this point we all had caught a case of the Brians and our main goal was to make it back up to our rooms before we fell asleep in our chairs. Oh yeah, and remember to use bottled water for tooth brushing and throw toilet paper in the trash, not the toilet.
Clara Tort has been our Travel Advisor for Buenos Aires, then for Iguazu, then for Mendoza and Aconcagua Trekking, and then for Patagonia and Fitz Roy trekking. She has navigated with us through our travels, and now we are coming back for more- onto Machu Pichu and Peru.
2 months ago
We have used AL for decades now to plan trips. Kassandra has been with us from the start and has never disappointed. She knows our family and our quirks and is always willing to fit the trip to us. This time we made her work for the booking because of family member schedules. It has all come together for a great Christmas gift for many families.
Kris Rowe
2 months ago
Great company. Good communications. Great accommodations, excursions, transport. Guide Elvira was spectacular along with transport, driver, Cesar and activities
Kathy S
3 months ago
Having done a trip in the past with Adventure Life, I found picking a trip and customizing it was a breeze and fit everything I wanted