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Solar eclipse, mysterious natural phenomenon when Moon passes between planet Earth and Sun

Greenland Solar Eclipse

Example 13 Day Cruise aboard Ocean Albatros
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Embark on a 13-day cruise from Reykjavik to Kangerlussuaq aboard the Ocean Albatros. On August 12, 2026, witness a total solar eclipse in the remote Blosseville Coast of East Greenland. Anchored at the eclipse's center, experience 2 minutes and 17 seconds of totality from the calm landing beach. This rare celestial event kicks off your expedition cruise from Reykjavík, sailing south along Greenland's east coast. Encounter glaciers, East Greenlandic culture in Tasiilaq, and the stunning Skjoldungen fjords. Traverse the glacier-lined strait of Prins Christian Sund, exploring South Greenland's lush landscapes and Norse settlements. Visit Nuuk, Greenland's capital, before sailing to Evighedsfjord, surrounded by glaciers, and conclude the 13-day cruise in Kangerlussuaq.
SkjoldungenEric Red StatueMountains reflected in the fjord of Tasermiut, GreenlandHalgrim ChurchSolar eclipse, mysterious natural phenomenon when Moon passes between planet Earth and Sun
  • Marvel at the stunning scenery of Skjoldungen, a magnificent fjord on the southeastern coast of Greenland
  • Discover the ancient traditions and vibrant culture of Tasiilaq, the largest settlement in East Greenland
  • Experience the breathtaking beauty of the Denmark Strait
  • Explore the world-class museums and attractions in Reykjavik
Places Visited
Activity Level: Variable
Activity options vary depending on destination and operator. Activity level is determined by the range and intensity of activities you choose to participate in. Discuss with your Trip Planner which options are best for you.

Full Itinerary

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Day 1: Reykjavik, Iceland | Embark

The rock-like columns of Hallgrímskirkja Church loom over Reykjavik, a hip Scandinavian capital that needs little introduction. Reykjavik is one of Scandinavia's most welcoming and exciting cities, with new Nordic cuisine, excellent shopping, fantastic excursions, and an easy, relaxed vibe. Explore the city's world-class (often very quirky) museums, shop for snuggly local sweaters, or watch this bustling city in action on a cozy cafe terrace.

MV Ocean Albatros awaits embarkation in the city's bustling harbor, with comfortable staterooms ready to welcome guests. After your mandatory safety briefings and lifeboat drill, Ocean Albatros will sail out of Reykjavík and chart a course for the wild east coast of Greenland.

Day 2: Crossing the Denmark Strait

The Denmark Strait is the narrow section of the North Atlantic Ocean separating Iceland from Greenland. This body of water is among the most productive in the world, where the cold polar East Greenland Current collides with the warm northbound Gulf Stream. These nutrient-rich waters support vast stocks of fish and, in turn, the humans, seals, whales, and seabirds that rely on them. As Ocean Albatros sails across the Denmark Strait, the eclipse experts onboard will carefully note the weather and ice conditions at the eclipse location and instruct guests on procedures to view and photograph the eclipse safely. As you approach Greenland, the onboard team will also provide information on the area's ecology, geology, and wildlife and ensure guests are informed on important topics such as Zodiac operations and polar bear safety. In other words, they are getting prepared for the adventure to come!

Day 3: Eclipse Day, Blosseville Coast, East Greenland

During the early hours of the day, approach the massive rock walls of the Blosseville Coast. A hundred years ago, this coastline was feared by sailors due to the almost permanent sea ice, which, even in summer, could trap and crush unsuspecting ships. However, warmer temperatures during the last decades and considerable advances in marine technology mean this forbidding coast and its sheltered landings in the dramatic fjords can now be accessed by certain ice-strengthened vessels like Ocean Albatros.

For this important day, Albatros Expeditions have carefully researched the best possible viewing location – a location as close to the Eclipse center line as possible, with easy Zodiac access, views unobstructed by mountains to the southwest, and likely to have clear skies. Ocean Albatros will drop anchor close to the shore around noon. The expedition staff will scout the area for wildlife, and after lunch, all guests will get ashore by Zodiac in good time to set up their equipment and view this natural wonder.

The moon's shadow moves toward you from north Greenland at 4,000 kilometers per hour. The partial eclipse begins at 16:37 local time (the same as UTC and Reykjavík time), and the totality begins at 17:37. The sun at maximum eclipse will be in the southwestern sky, unobstructed by any mountains at the mouth of the little fjord. At 17:40, the first rays slip past the lunar disk to create the legendary "Diamond Ring" – and the totality is over. The spectacle ends around 18:33 when the last fringe of the moon leaves the solar disk, and the shadow continues south toward the northern coast of Spain. Pack up your equipment, tripods, and other belongings and return to the ship, where a gala dinner has been prepared for this extraordinary day!

Eclipse photography - a word of advice
Much has been written about how to take good pictures during a solar eclipse. The most crucial phrase in almost all these descriptions is: DON'T! It takes work to get good pictures, especially during totality, requiring very advanced equipment and knowledge. If you do not have this, you risk missing the most important thing: experiencing the unique and unreal atmosphere that a total solar eclipse gives. Instead, use the eclipse's short span to observe the fast-changing light's effect on the landscape. When turning your eyes towards the sun, always wear the solar eclipse glasses provided to you by Albatros Expeditions.

Day 4: Along the Blosseville Coast

Captain and his officers will steer Ocean Albatros south along Blosseville, the most dramatic coast outside of Antarctica. The tall and dark rock walls originated in the opening of the Atlantic Ocean when Norway and Greenland separated, and thousands of cubic kilometers of lava flowed up through Earth’s crust. The dramatic layers of black rock testify to countless volcanic eruptions in the region approximately 50 million years ago. Legendary Danish explorer Ejnar Mikkelsen first surveyed this fascinating region, a magnet for geologists worldwide.

If ice and weather conditions allow, the Expedition Leader and Captain will try to arrange for a shore landing at the mouth of Kangerlussuaq, a typically descriptive Greenlandic name meaning “Big Fjord.” Despite the forbidding landscape and the brutal weather of the region, ancestors of today’s Inuit have lived there for thousands of years. A few abandoned Inuit settlements and expedition huts are scattered in this otherwise untouched and otherworldly landscape.

Day 5: Tasiilaq, East Greenland

Proceeding along the coast, you soon arrive at Tasiilaq, the largest settlement in East Greenland. Unlike the west coast, which had had uninterrupted contact with Europe since the 1700s, the coast of East Greenland remained more or less uncontacted until around 1894 when a Danish trading post was established at Tasiilaq by Gustav Holm's famous Skin Boat Expedition. The vast distances involved in Arctic travel meant that the people of East Greenland (Tunumiit) were isolated from their cousins to the west. Therefore, East Greenland's language, traditions, and culture differ significantly from other parts of the country.

Ancient traditions are vital here. This region of Greenland was the home of the last Angakkuit (Shamans) of Greenland and is the home of the tupilak - a monster fashioned from animal (and sometimes human) body parts and animated by the power of an Angakkuq to wreak havoc on enemies. Creating such a monster was dangerous, as a more powerful magic user could turn it back to attack its creator. The first Europeans were curious about what these dark beasts looked like, and locals carved facsimiles in bone or horn, beginning one of Greenland's finest artistic traditions. The tupilaat made by artisans in Tasiilaq are considered among the best in the country. 

Tasiilaq sits in a perfect natural harbor on Ammassalik Island (meaning 'the Place of Many Capelin'). While superficially similar to towns on the West Coast, the landscape here is much more rugged, the people fewer, and the sled dogs much more numerous. Tasiilaq offers excellent exploration opportunities, with fantastic hiking routes like the Flower Valley, easily accessible from town. For those wishing to delve into Tunumiit culture, visit the museum in the city's old church, hear the city's exquisite choir perform in the modern church, or watch a drum dancer in traditional East Greenlandic costume perform a millennia-old spiritual tradition. For those wishing to indulge in retail therapy, visit the Stunk Artist's Workshop, where skilled craftsmen create beautiful pieces from natural local materials.

Day 6: Skjoldungen

Today's adventure begins as you sail into magnificent Skjoldungen, a staggeringly beautiful fjord on the southeastern coast of Greenland. The fjord is named for Skjold, an ancient Danish King of Norse legend, while the Greenlandic name, Saqqisikuik, references the area's sunny climate. Various archaeological finds on the island, which sits in the middle of the fjord, suggest nomadic Inuit groups visited and stayed in the area in years gone by; more recently, settlers were brought from Tasiilaq to settle the island in the 1930s but returned there thirty years later; some houses can still be seen on the southern side of the fjord. The Allies also operated A small weather station on the island during WWII. 

Today, uninhabited, Skjoldungen sits almost 300km from the nearest village, with Mother Nature as its only ruler. Vast saw-toothed mountains lined with opalescent glaciers line the deep, chilly waters of the fjord, which can freeze even in summer. At the head of the fjord lies the magnificent Thryms Glacier, a magnificent river of ice flowing down from the ice sheet. On the southern side of Thryms Glacier lies the sweeping U-shaped glacial valley of Dronning Maries Dal - a textbook example of a glacially-produced landscape. Join your expedition team for a walk on the flower-lined floor of this valley and marvel at the stunning scenery. Ensure you are also on the outer decks on your approach and departure from this magnificent fjord.

Day 7: Prins Christian Sund | Aappilattoq

South of Skjoldungen lies Cape Farewell, renowned not only as Greenland's southernmost point but also for its infamously challenging weather. With this in mind, you deliberately opt for a far more comfortable but also more spectacular route, cruising across to West Greenland via the inside passage of Prins Christian Sund. Known in Greenlandic by its typically descriptive name of Ikerasassuaq ('the Big Strait'), this 60 km long waterway reaches from the east coast to the settlement of Aappilattoq in West Greenland.

Prins Christian Sund is one of the most spectacular waterways anywhere on Earth. Kept free of ice year-round by strong tidal currents, the strait is hemmed in on either side by mountains that rise straight out of the water, some reaching over 2,000m in height. Large glaciers flow from the ice sheet into the sea on the northern side of the strait, while sapphire blue mountain glaciers loom over the water from the southern side, and vast icebergs stud the glassy waters. 

By mid-afternoon, visit the small village of Aappilattoq, which sits hunkered beneath the towering mountains at the end of Prins Christians Sund. The village is a world away from the busy towns of West Greenland; life here moves slower, following the rhythms of the wind, waves, and tides. Aappilattoq (meaning 'Red' in Greenlandic, referring to the stark granite bluffs above) offers excellent hiking opportunities, and the local choir is renowned throughout Greenland.

Day 8: Tasermiut | Uunartoq

Tasermiut (meaning 'the Settlement by the Lake') is one of Greenland's best-kept secrets. Extending northeastwards 75 km from the town of Nanortalik to the Ice Sheet, the fjord is lined by green, fertile side valleys and sheer granite walls reaching 2000 m above sea level. These rock walls are often compared to El Chalten in Argentina or California's Yosemite, but in reality, the sheer scale of these cliffs far exceeds both, and they are a lifetime goal for the world's most expert rock climbers. The Norse settlers called this waterway Ketil's Fjord and built an Augustinian monastery in what is still called Klosterdalen ("Monastery Valley"). Make a zodiac landing and a short, easy hike to experience the fantastic landscape at the head of the fjord - no climbing gear required!

Following the coast north, you reach the small island of Uunartoq, famous for its geothermal springs with year-round temperatures of 34-36 degrees centigrade. While the hot springs of Iceland are more famous, Uunartoq surely beats them all for sheer natural beauty; nowhere else can you relax in perfectly hot water while icebergs float past in the sea nearby. Many visitors use the frigid sea as the ideal cold plunge to enhance this natural spa! The Norse settlers also knew this place, and remnants of a nunnery have been excavated on the island. Make a landing on the island by Zodiac in the early evening and take turns to dip into the hot pool.

Day 9: Qassiarsuk | Itilleq

During the early morning, cruise below the majestic mountains of Tunulliarfik Fjord towards the small village of Qassiarsuk. The fjords here are lined with lush green meadows and dotted with small sheep-farming settlements, of which Qassiarsuk is the best known.

While the modern village of Qassiarsuk was founded in 1924, the location has a fascinating and much longer history; a thousand years ago, legendary Norse explorer Eric the Red settled after being banished from Iceland. Erik and his family set up a small farmstead in typical Norse style, naming the new settlement Brattahlíð "The Steep slope." Erik kept fiercely to the Norse gods, but his wife Thjodhild was a Christian. Legend has it that she refused to join his bed until he built her a church, which he eventually did, constructing a tiny hut (Þjóðhildarkirkja), the first church in the Americas.

Across the fjord lies Itilleq, a small bay where a trail leads to the village of Igaliku. During the afternoon, trek through the lush green hills to see the remains of the Norse Bishop's palace at Garðar - once a place of great power and influence in this remote corner of the Norse world.

Day 10: At sea, en route towards Nuuk

From South Greenland, follow the rugged coast of this vast island northwards. All settlements in Greenland (except Kangerlussuaq) are situated directly on the ocean coast of the country, and the vast majority of residents (some 50,000 or so) live on the narrow strip of coast on the west of the country, facing the Davis Strait.

Ocean currents bring warm water from the Atlantic to the West Coast, enriching these wildlife-filled waters. During your day at sea, keep your eyes on the sea! Whales, seals, and many seabirds are common in these rich waters.

Day 11: Nuuk

A mixture of skyscrapers and traditional wooden houses, the quaint and the cosmopolitan, Nuuk is a city of contrasts. The vibrant, bustling capital of Greenland, Nuuk, feels much more significant than its 19,000 inhabitants and offers a wealth of experiences to visitors. The calm fjords around Nuuk have been inhabited by Paleo-Inuit cultures since at least 2200 B.C. Archaeological evidence indicates waves of migration through the area as ancient hunters followed migrating prey. Around the year 1000 A.D., Norse colonists from Iceland established the Western Settlement in the green meadows of Nuuk Fjord; these settlers mysteriously disappeared several hundred years later, leaving the island to the Inuit, who were far better equipped to live in Greenland's harsh environment.

Nuuk offers a considerable amount to the discerning visitor; more significant than any other city in Greenland, Nuuk has a bustling cosmopolitan vibe and hosts some of Greenland's best attractions. Swing by Kolonihavn district to visit the Greenlandic National Museum, a treasure trove of history stretching back to the first inhabitants of this icy island - including artifacts from the Paleo-Inuit and Norse periods, as well as the spellbinding Qilakistoq mummies. Explore Greenlandic culture at Katuaq, the city's cultural center, and an architectural marvel; shop for authentic Greenlandic artworks in many boutique shops, or relax at a hip curbside café with Greenlandic coffee and watch this vibrant city in action. Nuuk York (as proud locals call it) is unlike any other city in Greenland or the world.

Day 12: Kangaamiut | Evighedsfjorden

On the last full day of your expedition, arrive at the small village of Kangaamiut, an incredibly picturesque settlement in Greenland's central Qeqqata region. Surrounded by cold, rich waters and a vast backcountry brimming with game, life in Kangaamiut moves slower, and locals still live a largely traditional lifestyle, surviving by hunting and fishing. Hike to the heliport atop the hill for stunning views over the town and the surrounding fjordlands, or meet the friendly local people during a display of traditional clothing, foods, and seal-flensing. The artists of Kangaamiut are well-known throughout Greenland, and some of the locals' most splendid work can be viewed in the town's small museum. 

In the afternoon, sail inland into Evighedsfjorden/Kangerlussuatsiaq, one of the many deep fjords carved between the steep mountains of this region. The Danish name 'Evighedsfjorden' means 'The Eternity Fjord,' referring to the vast size of the inlet. In contrast, the Greenlandic name 'Kangerlussuatsiaq' translates as 'The Rather Large Fjord' - something of an understatement! Evighedsfjorden stretches around 100km into the glacier-clad mountains, bisecting the giant ice cap that overlies much of the land between Nuuk and Sisimiut - Greenland's two largest cities. Aim to explore on a Zodiac cruise before the Evigheds Glacier, which flows into the fjord from the Maniitsoq Ice Cap above. Watch for calvings from the glacier and guillemots and kittiwakes on the nearby bird cliffs.

Day 13: Kangerlussuaq | Disembark

  • 1 Breakfast
During the night, sail up the 160-kilometer/100-mile Kangerlussuaq Fjord. After breakfast aboard the ship, bid a fond farewell to the ship's crew, Expedition Team, and fellow travelers before shuttling ashore by Zodiac.

Due to Kangerlussuaq's military history and present-day role as an essential air travel hub, the town remains relatively isolated from Greenland's rich cultural traditions compared to other regions. While you still find cultural experiences when visiting Kangerlussuaq, the most impressive attraction is the surrounding nature, which is just beckoning to be explored. The American military primarily constructed Kangerlussuaq itself in the 1950s, and this small airport town has retained something of its Cold War atmosphere. Your Arctic adventure and time in Greenland concludes as you arrive at the sleek modern airport terminal.


Ocean Albatros

Ocean Albatros BBQ Deck
Ocean Albatros Fitness
Ocean Albatros Pool Deck

Dates & Prices

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Per person starting at
$13,695 2-3 travelers
Ocean Albatros Cat GOcean Albatros Cat G
Category G
Single Stateroom (Porthole) - 14 m2 Standard single Stateroom onboard, located on deck 3. This is a conveniently located State Room close to the Mudroom which facilitates access to the Zodiacs during embarkation and disembarkation to begin your adventures.
Ocean Albatros Cat FOcean Albatros Cat F
Category F
Triple Stateroom (Porthole) - 22 m2 There are four Triple Staterooms on board Ocean Albatros featuring portholes, all with private en-suites. Located on Deck 3, they're close to the mudroom and loading platforms. Triple staterooms are normally with twin beds however a double bed can be accommodated.
Ocean Albatros Cat EOcean Albatros Cat E
Category E
French Balcony Stateroom - 14 m2 The French Balcony Suite is a standard Stateroom with a French balcony, a double bed, floor-to-ceiling windows and a bathroom. All French Balcony Suites are located on Deck 7.
Ocean Albatros Cat DOcean Albatros Cat D
Category D
Albatros Stateroom (Porthole) - 13-22 m2 The standard Stateroom on Ocean Albatros is close to the Mudroom and has quick access to the Zodiac platforms for disembarkation during landings. This is very convenient if you have more limited mobility and would like a short distance to the Zodiacs. The State Rooms are perfect for those who wish a comfortable base during their stay onboard Ocean Albatros. The standard State Rooms all have a double bed or 2 single beds and a bathroom. The State Rooms are located on deck 3 and 4.
Ocean Albatros Cat COcean Albatros Cat B Balcony
Category C
Balcony Stateroom - 18-22 m2 The most abundant type of Stateroom on Ocean Albatros located on decks 4 & 6. They have a balcony, a double bed or two single beds, a bathroom and a sofa that can be used as a bed for a child if traveling as a family. If you desire to book two staterooms with connecting doors, this is also a possibility within this category.
Ocean Albatros Cat COcean Albatros Cat C Balcony
Category Csp
Superior Balcony Stateroom (48) app. 24 sqm, including Balcony.
Ocean Albatros Cat COcean Albatros Cat C Balcony
Category Cxl
Grand Balcony Stateroom (4) app. 30 sqm, including Balcony.
Ocean Albatros Cat BOcean Albatros Cat B Balcony
Category B
Balcony Suite approximately - 25-32 m2 Ocean Albatros has 6 Balcony Suites on board located on decks 4 & 6. The suites feature double or twin beds and a seating area, bathroom, and a large balcony. The balcony suites can host 2 people.
Ocean Albatros Cat AOcean Albatros Cat A Balcony
Category A
Junior suite - 39 m2 The 4 junior suites aboard Ocean Albatros have a great view from their location high up on the ship on deck 7. The suites feature a double bed or twin beds, sofa bed, seating area, a spacious bathroom and a private balcony. The suite can accommodate up to 3 people.
Ocean Albatros Premium SuiteOcean Albatros Premium Suite
Premium Suite (Freydis Suite)
Premium suite - 45 m2 – FS (Freydis Suite) The second largest of all the staterooms on board the Ocean Albatros is the Premium Suite. This 2-bedroom suite features a double bed (or twin beds), a sofa bed, table and chair, a balcony and a spacious bathroom. Located on deck.4. This category is available upon request. Please refer to Albatros Expeditions for price.
Ocean Albatros Family SuiteOcean Albatros Family Suite
Family Suite (Brynhilde Suite)
Family suite - 52 m2 – BS (Brynhilde Suite) The largest of all the staterooms on board the Ocean Albatros is the Premium Suite. The Double-Bedroom, Family Suite is going to be located on Deck 7, featuring two interconnecting French Balcony Suites, accommodating up to 5 people on two double beds and a sofa bed. This category is available upon request. Please refer to Albatros Expeditions for price.


Kayaking activities available on both Arctic and Antarctic voyages. 
Although kayaking opportunities are possible in most locations during each excursion in the Antarctic region, weather, sea, and ice conditions will dictate the when and where to ensure your safety and improve your experience.
In order to sign up for this activity, you need to have previous kayaking experience and attend a mandatory safety briefing by the Kayak Master. The cost is $345/person per outing and it can only be booked onboard.

Possible shared staterooms for same-gender, single travelers: Category C (Balcony Stateroom) and Category F (Triple Porthole Stateroom)
  • 12 Breakfasts, 11 Lunches, 12 Dinners
  • 12 Nights Accommodations
  • Accommodations as listed
  • Ground transportation as listed
  • Activities as listed
  • Meals as listed
  • Access to a 24-7 Emergency line while traveling
  • Welcome and Farewell Cocktails   
  • Digital visual journal link after voyage, including voyage log, gallery, species list and more.
  • English-speaking expedition team
  • Information briefings and lectures by expedition team
  • Parkas and Boots in assorted sizes, suitable for shore landings
  • Special photo workshop
  • Shore landings by zodiac
  • Full board on the ship
  • Port fees, IAATO fees, taxes and tariffs
  • Free coffee and tea on the ship
  • Complimentary house wine, beer and soda at dinner (At our a-la-carte dinners in our restaurants, served by the glass, selected labels and brands. At other times drinks are charged to your stateroom account)
  • Mandatory Transfer Package: Flights between Kangerlussaq - Copenhagen via Keflavik and Group Transfer between the vessel and Kangerlussaq Airport. Value: USD 650/pax one way
  • Gratuities
  • Travel Insurance
  • Personal Expenses
  • Flight costs (please request a quote)
  • Additional excursions during free time
  • Beverages (other than coffee and tea)
  • Anything not mentioned under 'inclusions'
  • Extra excursions and activities not mentioned in the itinerary
  • Meals not on board the ship
  • Emergency Evacuation insurance of at least $200,000 per passenger is required. Please bring a copy of your insurance onboard.
  • Tips for the crew (we recommend USD 16 per person per day)
  • Single room supplement


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