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Del Rio Spa at Savegre Mountain Lodge

Savegre Mountain Hotel

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Savegre Mountain Lodge is a company dedicated to fine hotel service, and their fundamental interest is to provide the local and international tourist with an experience and visit that fully meets their expectations. The hotel's services, provided in environment of warmth and comfort, reflect the tranquility of what is meant by Costa Rica. In their establishment you will let go of the tensions caused by modern life and the problems that accompany it...come and let Costa Rica share with you the splendor of its most important resource: Nature itself. Relax and take in the hotel's natural wonder on a Costa Rica trip.

The Savegre Mountain Hotel, also known as Cabinas Chacón, is located in San Gerardo de Dota, a small community in the Talamanca mountains in the midst of a precious ecosystem... Here you will find a deep cloud forest filled with massive oaks and other native species. The woods serve as a sanctuary for a large number of mammals and innumerable species of insects, amphibians, amazing plants and colorful birds, a paradise for birdwatchers.

In the midst of exuberant tropical cloud forest and bounded by beautiful gardens with colorful flowers sorrounded by hummingbirds, you find our comfortable fine facilities. Rooms are equipped with heating systems, private bath with hot water, comfortable beds, and all the amenities from first class service.

The pure mountain air adds to the feeling of peace and relaxation that you will experience while staying here, great nights just on the edge of an amazing tropical cloud forest, the song of birds in the awakening, and the harmonious countryside, are just a few of the elements that will turn your visit into the greatest holidays you have ever had.

The lodge is set in a valley so spectacular that a postcard photographer might pass it up because nobody would believe it was true.

Twenty cabins at 7,200 feet above sea level on a family farm with a clear trout stream running through it, surrounded by one of the finest examples of highland cloud forest on the planet, set in a valley so spectacular that a postcard photographer might pass it up because nobody would believe it was true: Cabinas Chacón and the surrounding private nature reserve provides all the basic comforts; no frills for the body; and luxury for the soul.

Michael Kaye first visited Cabinas Chacón in July of 1979, when there were only 4 cabins. He and Don Efraín Chacón, the patriarch of the Chacón family, hit it off and Costa Rica Expeditions and Don Efraín have been working happily together ever since.

Now, nearly 20 years later, there are 16 more cabins and a telephone. The road is usually a little better, the Chacón kids have grown up and have taken over much of the day-to-day operations, but nothing much else has changed. Don Efraín, now semi-retired, has even more time to be the most gracious of hosts. Much of the wholesome food is still grown on the farm. The trout fishing is still great fun (they, the trout, not the Chacóns, are particularly partial to Dos Pinos brand processed yellow cheese), and Cabinas Chacón is still almost surely the best place in the world to see year round the resplendent quetzal, one of the most beautiful birds in the Americas.

It wasn't easy. In 1955, Don Efraín with 9 close friends and family members bushwhacked their way through 50 kilometers of forest to the site where the farm now stands. Daunted by the hardships, within a short time all the rest of the party returned home.

Don Efraín was so captivated by the valley that he decided to stay. After 11 years of hard work, his wife, Caridad, and the first six of their 11 children joined him, and started a wonderful new life for themselves and a new life-enhancing experience for all of his past and future guests.

In the hotel restaurant, Las Bromelias, you can enjoy meals served a la carte or buffet style, each providing a wide and delicious variety of international and traditional Costa Rican cuisine, as well as the house specialty - a freshly caught rainbow trout that will delight your palate.

Bar and Lounge
The Los Robles Bar and Lounge is the perfect place to spend time with your family, read a good book, enjoy your favorite beverage, or make new friends. During the day, the large windows provide beautiful views of the multi-colored plant life and hummingbirds...at night, the plaintive notes of a guitar and the warmth of a crackling fire in the fireplace make for a perfect setting.

Conference Room
Whether your are planning a family reunion, a business meeting, or a workshop, El Tucán Conference Room can provide fine service for up to 50 people. This facility provides the opportunity of developing your activities outside of the city and common life, meet in a more relaxing location while the hotel restaurant takes care of all your meal requirements.

Biological Reserve
Savegre Mountain Hotel's Private Biological Reserve is located in the environs of the Cerro de la Muerte in the Talamanca Mountain Range. It consists of Cloud Forest with elevations varying between 1,220 and 2,560 meters above sea level.

The annual rainfall is 2550 millimeters and the temperature vary between -2.2 and 26 degrees centigrade (28 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit). The relative humidity is 70% year-round.

The reserve is made up of 400 hectares of forest, 80% of which is virgin, while the remainder is newer growth, including reforestation programs using native species - especially laurels. The area is frequently visited by eco-tourists from around the world who come to enjoy the large diversity of plant life, including oak and laurel trees, orchids and bromelias. This animal life includes more than 170 species of birds - including the magnificent Quetzal - as well as numerous mammals, amphibians, and insects.

The reserve is used as a living research laboratory by institutions from around the world. These include The Institute of Systematic Botany (New York) and The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago) - both of which study mushrooms endemic to the area, while the German Universities of Gottingen and Kassel have joined with the University of Costa Rica and the Costa Rican National Institute of Biodiversity in a program researching epiphytes and their influence on the hydrogen cycle in the region. In addition, Southern Nazarene University (Oklahoma) has established a campus that will be a base for students from around the world for carrying out various scientific studies.

Additional Tours

Coffee Tours:
Costa Rica is a country that during the past two centuries had based its socio-economic development on coffee production, being it one of the best quality coffees in the world, in particular the coffee produced in the famous "Zona de Los Santos".

The Savegre Coffee Tour will give you the opportunity to experience in real scenarios the process related to coffee production, from the harvesting of the "Gold Grain" to the pleasure of tasting a great variety of coffees in the enchanting "Zona de Los Santos".

In the Cloud Forest that surrounds Savegre inhabit a great variety of flora and fauna and along our trails our visitors experience the most indescribable feelings. More than 170 species of birds, centenary oak trees, colorful plants, are only a few of the reasons for you to have a good time in Savegre. Don't forget that at anytime along your hikes you will be able to find the most beautiful bird of the new world: the Resplendent Quetzal, that will for sure make you understand why our pre-columbian cultures adore this creature as a god.

When visiting San Gerardo de Dota take advantage of your time and let us take you in this complete cultural and natural experience. This great Coffee Tour offers two alternatives:

Savegre Coffee Tour - One Day Tour:
* Transportation Savegre - Los Santos - Savegre
* Guide
* Lunch
* Visit to coffee fields and harvesting of the fruit by visitors (during season)
* Tour in the coffee processing plant
* Video about coffee producer culture
* Tour through toasting and packaging plant
* Sampling of coffee
* Tour though the "Zona de Los Santos "

Savegre Coffee Tour and Birdwatching - One Day Tour:
* Transportation San José - Savegre - Los Santos - San José
* Guide
* Breakfast
* Birdwatching Tour
* Lunch
* Transfer to the Zona de Los Santos
* Visit to coffee fields and harvesting of the fruit by visitors (during season)
* Tour in the coffee processing plant
* Video about coffee producer culture
* Tour through toasting and packaging plant
* Sampling of coffee
* Tour though the "Zona de Los Santos"

Horseback Riding:
Mount a horse and recapture the sense of adventure felt by the pioneers searching for the promised land. You will follow well- marked, safe paths with your guide into our beautiful Tropical Cloud Forest Reserve, having the chance to observe the flora and fauna so particular from this area, the amazing valley views, and the magnificent Savegre River flowing through this tropical highland paradise.

Waterfall Tour:
One of the most impressive scenarios in the area is without a doubt the Savegre River Waterfall. Just within an hour walk you will have the opportunity to enjoy this wonderful waterfall surrounded by a dense cloud forest. Your guide will take you through the forest and show you the gorgeous flora and fauna the spreads alongside the crystal waters of the Savegre River, until the point where it turns into an amazing white veil, the Savegre River Waterfall, one more reason to fall in love with San Gerardo de Dota.

Through the year, the lodge's safe and comfortable walking trails are traversed by people of all nationalities, ages and walks of life - each with a different objective - scientific investigation, adventure, a bit of exercise, birdwatching, or simply to find the peace that comes with the beautiful cloud forest and pure fresh air.

The lodge has 35 kilometers of forest trails, mostly through virgin woods. The altitude varies from 2,200 to 3,470 meters (7,220 ft to 11,384 ft). Enter the forests into a cathedral-like setting with columns of hundred-year old trees, multi-colored plants and mushrooms, celestial choirs of birds, and multitudes of insects, amphibians and mammals that will make your walk magical and unforgettable.

Thanks to the special characteristics of the area, the paths suit many desires and needs. For example, start off with a powerfully emotive experience of a wilderness of dwarf plants, and then pass through ecosystems that vary greatly over short distances, finally arriving at the Cloud Forest, with its abundant flora and fauna...or if you prefer more adrenaline-pumping adventure, try the river path, where you will climb enormous rocks en route to the mystical veils of white mists and crystal waters. Once there, relax and let yourself be carried away by the symphony of sounds that surround you.

For those who enjoy trekking and want to fully enjoy nature, Savegre Mountain Hotel offers the opportunity to trek down the mountains from Cerro Frío (Mount Cold) at 3,470 meters (11,384 ft) to San Gerardo de Dota at 2,200 m (7220 ft). The tour begins at considerably high elevation where the vegetation offers a particular configuration of small shrubs and trees known as Paramo Ecosystem, this alo known as Sub-Andean Paramo Vegetation. After descending about 400 meters you will then cross timberline and start enjoying the Tropical Cloud Forest with amazing large oak trees all covered by mosses, abundant wildlife, and incredible views. Your guide will be happy to show you all the details that make this region so special. At the end of the tour you arrive to the Hotel where you will enjoy a delicious lunch in our fine restaurant.

Trekking time: 4 to 6 hours. distance 5.5 Km (3.41 Miles)

You can enjoy fishing rainbow trout in the crystal waters of the Savegre River - or if you prefer - fish in the calm tranquility of our private stocked ponds. All of the equipment necessary to make your fishing experience successful will be provided.

* Fly fishing in the Savegre River
Half day tour,includes equipment and bilingual guide.
(minimum 2 people)

* For fishing in the ponds the lodge provides the equipment for free and you only pay for the amount/weight of fish you catch.

*Flyfishing tour payable locally

Birdwatching is one of Savegre's main attractions... the beautiful environment of biological corridors make this attractive region a paradise, where more than 170 species of birds peacefully coexist with man. Various migratory species arrive throughout the different seasons of the year, joining the native species to add still more colorful views for birdwatchers. Among the visitors are the Orioles, Warblers, Tennessees and Raptors - while their native hosts include Long-tailed Silky-Flycatcher, Yellow-winged Vireo, the Flame-throated Warbler, Black-cheeked Warbler, Yellowish Flycatcher, Barred Becard, Tufted Flycatcher, Silvery-fronted Tapaculo, Zeledonia, Torrent Tyrannulet, Collared Trogon, Scintillant Hummingbird, Volcano Hummingbird, Fiery-throated Hummingbird, Spotted Wood-Quail, and of course the most wanted Resplendent Quetzal. In the highlands of the Paramo one can find the Volcano Junco and Timberline Wren.

*Birdwatching tour cost payable locally

Bird List
Olivaceus Cormorant
Great Blue Heron
Cattle Egret
Great Egret
Solitary Sandpiper
Spotted Sandpiper
Black Guan
Highland Tinamou
Spotted Wood Quarl
Buffy Crowned
Wood Partridge
Turkey Vulture
Black Vulture
Swainson's Hawk
Collared Forest-Falcon
American Swallow tailed kite
Peregrine Falcon
American Kestrel
Bat Falcon
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Cooper's Hawk
Barred Forest-Falcon
Collared Forest-Falcon
Broad-winged Hawk
Red Tailed Hawk
Ornate-Hawk Eagle
Band-tailed Pigeon
Rudy Pigeon
White-Tipped Dove
Chiriqui Quail Dove
Buff-Fronted Quail dove
White Crowned Parrot
Sulfur-Winged Parakeet
Barred Parakeet
Mottled Owl
Bared-Shanked Screech Owl
Unspotted Saw-Whet
Andean Pygmy-Owl
Dusky Nightjar
White -collared Swift
Black Swift
Chesnut-collared Swift
Vaux's Swift
Barn Swallow
Northen Rough Winged Swallow
Blue-and-white Swallow
Green Violet-ear
Violet Sabrewing
Green-fronted Lancebill
Green Crowned Brilliant
Magnficent Hummingbird
Grey Tailed Mountain Gem Fiery-throated Hummingbird
Steely-vented Hummingbird
Volcano Hummingbird
Scintillant Hummingbird
Resplendent Quetzal
Collared Trogon
Ringed Kingfisher
Emerald Toucanet
Golden Olive Woodpecker
Acorn Woodpecker
Hoffmann's Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Yellow -bellie Sapsucker
Streaked Xenops
Ruddy Treerunner
Spotted Barbtail
Spotted-Crowned Woodcreeper
Buffy Tuftedcheek
Lineated Foliage Gleaner
Silvery-Fronted Tapaculo
Barred Becard
Masked Tityra
Tropical Kingbird
Western Kingbird
Golden Bellied Flycatcher
Boat Billed Flycatcher
Great Kiskadee
Social Flycatcher
Torrent Tyrannulet
Dark Pewee
Ochraceous Pewee
Olive-Sided Flycatcher
Black Phoebe
Western Wood Pewee
Eastern Wood Pewee
Tufted Flycatcher
Black-capped Flycatcher
Yellowish Fly Catcher
Olive-Striped Flycatcher
Mistletoe Tyrannulet
Mountain Elainia
Yellow-bellied Elaenia
Gray breasted Woodwren
Timberline Wren
House Wren
Ochraceous Wren
Black Billed Nightingale-Thrush
Ruddy capped Nightingale-Thrush
Swaison Thrush
Wood Thrush Mountain Robin
Sooty Robin
Clay-colored Robin
American Dipper
Gray Catbird
Long-tailed Silky Flycatcher
Silvery-throated Jay
Rufous-browed Peppershirke
Yellow-throated Vireo
Solitary Vireo
Yellow winged Vireo
Brown-capped Vireo
Philadelphia Vireo
Black-cheeked Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
Golden winged Warbler
Flame-throated Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Black and White Warbler
Wilso's Warbler
Collared Redstart
Mourning Warbler
Black throated Blue Warbler
Townsed's Warbler
Black throated Green Warbler
Yellow rumped Warbler
Louisiana Water Thrush
Northern Oriole
Yellow Billed Cacique
Blue hooded Euphonia
Golden browed Chlorophonia
Common Bush Tanager
Sooty capped Bush Tanager
Red legged Honeycreeper
Silver throated Tanager
Cheeked Tanager
Blue and gray Tanager
Western Tanager
Summer Tanager
Hepatic Tanager
White winged Tanager
Flame Colored Tanager
Black thighed Grosbeak
Rose Breasted Grosbeak
Chesnut capped Brush Finch
Yellow thighed Finch
Yellow -faced Grassquit
Slaty Flowerpiercer
Peg-billed Finch
Slaty Finch
Yellow Bellied Siskin
Volcano Junco
Rufous-collared Sparrow

Photo Gallery

Del Rio Spa at Savegre Mountain Lodge Savegre Mountain Hotel Standard room at Savegre Mountain Lodge Cloud Forest ride from Savegre Mountain Lodge Savegre Mountain Hotel Savegre Mountain Hotel Savegre Mountain Hotel Savegre Mountain Hotel Savegre Mountain Hotel Savegre Mountain Hotel Savegre Mountain Hotel Savegre Mountain Hotel Savegre Mountain Hotel Savegre Mountain Hotel Savegre Mountain Hotel Savegre Mountain Hotel Hiking around Savegre Mountain Lodge Savegre Mountain Hotel


Wildlife of Costa Rica - colorful tree frog

Discover Costa Rica

9 Day Itinerary
  • Raft Class III-IV rapids
  • Bike through an agricultural center
  • Sample local foods from the field
  • Kayak to Ballena Island
Biking, Hiking, Kayaking, Land, Snorkeling, Whitewater Rafting, Wildlife Viewing, Zip Line
Activity Level:
Easy Active
Tour Details


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Our guide and driver were very good with their knowledge and were very helpful with our questions. It was a very pleasant visit that would have been impossible to do on our own. Hotels and restaurants were fantastic. The special places we got to go to, like the kitchens, were great. Enjoyed the entire trip!
Meyer Smolen

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