To Chile, Argentina and Back Again - The Trip of a Lifetime
Torres del paine
I’ve spent years pouring through my share of Outside Magazines and National Geographics; watched hours of Discovery Channel Programs and marveled at the beauty of nature; heard the tales of many of my well-travelled friends as they detailed their harrowing and exciting adventures. But with all of this, at 30 years old, I had never been outside of the United States. Yes, you heard that right. While I would have given my left arm to be able to say I was an adventurer, the most I had ventured from home was across the U.S. At least that was the case a year ago, when (for my 30th birthday) my boyfriend Jay surprised me with the trip of a lifetime – halfway around the world in South America. He had heard about Adventure Life through a few friends (and a few reads of Outside Magazine himself) and booked the trip without my knowing. Flash forward to March 2010 when, after months of planning, Jay and I board a flight bound for Santiago with an itinerary set to take us to the end of the world and back – and offer us experiences we wouldn’t soon forget. I had no idea what was in store but was soon to find out…
Hotel Bonaparte (Jesson Burnam)We set out from Philadelphia, PA and landed on solid ground the following morning (and on my first piece of foreign soil!) at 6 AM Santiago time. The sun had just come up and as we headed off the tarmac, it was already evident we were in for a treat. The views (even from the airport) were breathtaking! Jay and I headed off in search of our Adventure Life guide Eugene - our driver, aficionado of all things Santiago, and soon-to-be friend. We found him waiting eagerly, sign in hand, chomping at the bit to take us on a tour of the city. But we were so exhausted that we headed right to the Bonaparte Hotel – a modern, yet homey hotel smack dab in the center of the charming neighborhood of Providencia to get some much needed r & r. After a bit, it was time to set out on the town for our first foray into the city of Santiago. We first headed into Bellavista – a hip neighborhood just a 20 minute walk from our hotel – and enjoyed our first Pisco Sour al fresco! After tasting this traditional South American drink made of brandy, lime juice and yes, a little egg white (trust us it’s delicious!), we understood why everyone was raving about this drink. It was just the thing to cool us down after a hot (if enjoyable) walk around the city. There were so many sights and sounds to take in, it was tough to know where to look next. But we found Cerro San Cristobal – an enormous “hill” located in the heart of Santiago, and took the funicular (cable car) up to the top to enjoy a stunning view of the city with full sun overhead. It began to dawn on us how really small we were. After a day of city exploration, and seriously aching feet, we headed back to our hotel to freshen up and enjoy a coffee on the outside terrace. Dinner that night was six blocks away at a charming outside restaurant called La Guria in Providencia. We heard a lot of good things about this place and they were all true. We enjoyed our dinner outside on a small terrace and a “muy delicioso” bottle of wine and head to bed to rest up for our next big adventure.
This is the 5th trip Kassandra has planned for us, and if it is anything like the last four, it will be beyond perfect. Kassandra listens intently to each traveler's individual interests, and blends that information beautifully into a spectacular trip that is made to order. She is completely open to suggestions and uses her vast knowledge to enhance the experience. I am sure that as soon as we return from our latest adventure, Kassandra will be busy planning our next perfect excursion!
1 month ago
Franny was knowledgeable with just the right touch. Highly recommend.
1 month ago
There was no detail left unconsidered in our South American itinerary. Our vague dream was turned into an unforgettable experience and lifelong memories. Our team of planners, guides, hosts, and excursion leaders were amazing and we were so honored to have been able to share their countries with them for a time. We would absolutely work again with Adventure Life-indeed, this was our third trip with them at the helm!
Jamie Park
1 month ago
The trip was planned well. They worked through local travel planners in the two countries we visited. The trip planner was fairly knowledgeable, but she could have been better. The hotels selected were good. There were a few things I think they could have planned better related tot he transportation between the various locations we visited, but it was a great trip overall.
5 months ago
Mary Curry found right trip for my budget and the best date that I liked. She made
that reservation when other company's agent could not do it.
Thank you so much!