A fun-filled historical cruise that took my sister and I through Southeast Alaska from Juneau down to Seattle in August. We saw living history with our crew from the Gold Rush era. There was not a dull moment with wildlife and culture abounding, especially the whales!
Boarding the SS Legacy (Lynessa Nelson)
"Welcome Ladies and Gents for your grand adventure aboard the SS Legacy!" Our journey had begun and it appeared there would not be a dull moment onboard as the Heritage Team introduced themselves. Their goal: to make the Alaska Gold Rush come alive for us again. My sister and I had just arrive from Seattle that morning to Juneau. We checked in at the hotel rendezvous point and dropped off our luggage. Then we walked outside the town and up the Mt. Roberts. The hike up there was slippery with a muddy trail but the temperature was nice and cool to keep us going. At the top there was a restaurant and gift shop which led to the tram entrance. On the ride down we could view all of the harbor with the giant cruise ships. We were so happy to not be going on one of them and be a part of the masses. I'm not sure how much time you'd actually get viewing and experiencing Alaska.
We made it back to the hotel just a short walk from the tram. Juneau is a small town and didn't take long to walk from one end to the other. We then walked down to the dock and boarded. We met our Heritage Leader - Jason and his team of actors and historical experts. The were always around during the cruise to bring the Gold Rush era to real life.