A great trip with highlights being a morning scuba dive off Santa Cruz Island, an exhilarating hike up the Sierra Negra volcano, lots of curious and nonchalant animal/sealife, great company, accommodations and food, and knowledgable guides who accompanied us throughout our islands visit. Adventure Life arranged a last minute guided bus/walking tour in Quito to structure my last day while awaiting the flight home. A great adventure!
Square in front of the President's Palace, Quito (Steven Alcorn)Landed at the brand spanking new airport in Quito about 10:30 PM just in time to grab a taxi to the beautiful Rincon de Puembo hotel for a few hours sleep before catching the morning flight to Galapagos. The hotel was a gorgeous hacienda style facility in a quiet neighborhood but there was not much time to explore it due to the hour. That was saved for later in the trip.