The highlight of the morning was hiking to the Canopy Walk, which consists of three towers connected by a walkway suspended high above the canopy. The structure took over four years to build and was completed in 2004. Materials were carted in by hand! Once on top, we had a great view of Toucans, parrots, woodpeckers and many other birds. We also spotted a Striped Sloth.
In the afternoon, we went on another hike and were able to photograph a Pygmy Marmoset, the smallest monkey in the world.
Sacha Lodge raises exotic butterflies and ships all over the world. We had a chance to go into the butterfly structure and photograph many species and colors of butterflies. Each type requires different plant food which is actually grown adjacent to the structure.
Late in the afternoon, we took a peaceful canoe ride along a creek which feeds the lake. The scenery was spectacular! Poncho was able to spot a young Anaconda coiled along the bank of the creek. David said that they are lucky to see one Anaconda a month!
The canoe ride was scheduled so that it would become dark on the way back. The jungle changes dramatically at night. Even the trees release different scents to attract bats and insects! Flashlights were used to find insects and frogs from their eye reflections. Yes, we even saw fireflies darting about. Caimon were spotted along the banks. What a great way to spend our last night at Sacha!