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Pinnacle rock on Bartolome

Islands Circumnavigation I

Example 12 Day Cruise aboard Anahi
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Take in the best the archipelago has to offer, visiting South Plaza, Floreana, Isabela, Santa Cruz, Genovesa, and many more during this 12-day private cruise aboard the Anahi! Wildlife viewing opportunities will abound as you traverse the islands, snorkel in the crystal clear waters, or take a relaxing swim off the pristine shores. This is an excellent excursion for gaining a true understanding of the history of these islands and the rare and incredible creatures that make their homes here.
Travelers watch as a giant tortoise hides its head.A sea turtle pokes its head out of the water.Enjoy a blissful snorkeling trip.Beach time at Cerro Brujo, San CristobalPinnacle rock on Bartolome
  • Visit the red sand beach in Rabida with your private group of up to 16 guests
  • Observe the natural habitat of giant tortoises in Santa Cruz
  • Take a hike through the trail in the area surrounding Darwin Volcano
Activity Level: Relaxed
Involves minimal physical effort and is typically associated with leisurely activities. Activities are low-intensity or last less than a few hours each day.

Full Itinerary

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Day 1: Baltra | Embark | Highlands, Santa Cruz Island

Flight from Quito or Guayaquil to the Galápagos Islands.

Upon your arrival at Baltra Airport, the guide greets you in the lobby, assists you with your luggage, and accompanies you on the short bus ride (15 minutes) to the Itabaca Channel. After crossing, travel for 45 minutes to 1 hour by bus toward the highlands of the island of Santa Cruz. Then, enjoy lunch on a private ranch. Passengers who embark on the yacht in Puerto Ayora will be transported up to the highlands to join the group and start the visit.

The guide takes you on a walk through a beautiful forest full of ferns, sedges, and miconias, while you might also observe some giant tortoises in their natural habitat. Later, head to one of the many lava tunnels in the area. Here, enjoy a short walk through the tunnel, where we can admire the results of a powerful volcanic eruption that occurred millions of years ago.
Possible activities: Walking

After your visit, head to Puerto Ayora and board the yacht, enjoy an official welcome drink, followed by dinner. After dinner, the guide explains the following day’s activities as well as some general recommendations for visitors to the Galápagos Islands.

Day 2: Puerto Villamil | Sierra Negra Volcano, Isabela

Isabela is the name of the largest and the youngest island within the Galápagos Archipelago. In the morning, begin your first visit to the islets known as Las Tintoreras, located south of Puerto Villamil. This area has a small bay of calm turquoise water, observe sea lions, sea turtles, marine iguanas, stingrays, and many more aquatic species. Next, walk along a path and explore two different beaches. The first beach to encounter is a popular place for sea lions and marine iguanas that nest in the area, while the second beach is surrounded by button mangroves (Conocarpus erecta) and white mangroves (Laguncularia racemosa).
Possible activities: Walking

After the visit to "Las Tintoreras", disembark at Puerto Villamil to head to the Sierra Negra Volcano, found in the highlands of the island, as it rises to an altitude of 1124m. It is located between the Cerro Azul volcano to the west, and the Alcedo volcano to the north. Furthermore, it is one of the most active volcanoes of the Galápagos, with the latest eruption occurring in June 2018.

After lunch, during the afternoon, visit the wetlands known as “Los Humedales”, see a wide variety of wetland birds with the majority of them being endemic to the island. After your visit, have some free time in the small town of Puerto Villamil. At the end of the day, board the yacht for dinner and a well-deserved rest.

Day 3: Punta Moreno | Elizabeth Bay, Isabela

Punta Moreno is located on the north coast of Isabela Island, between the Sierra Negra and Cerro Azul volcanoes. The distance of the trail is about 2100 meters, but this grants you a panoramic view of the three most active volcanoes in the Galápagos: Sierra Negra and Cerro Azul on Isabela Island, and the summit of Fernandina Island. Take the opportunity to do a surface dive in this area, where, despite the cold waters, marine life is abundant. After this visit, return to the yacht for lunch and a little rest before heading out for your afternoon activity.

In the afternoon visit Elizabeth Bay. The trip begins in a cove surrounded by red mangroves. Here you may observe sea turtles, flightless cormorants, spotted eagle rays, golden rays, brown pelicans, and sea lions. Visitors have often been able to see Galápagos falcons fly over their heads, while Pompano and Mahi-mahi fish schools are seen swimming below. This is an amazing site due to the large amount of marine and terrestrial fauna as well as the unique and beautiful landscape of the area. After this visit, return to the yacht for dinner and rest.

Day 4: Urbina Bay | Tagus Cove, Isabela

Urbina Bay is located at the east base of the Alcedo volcano, with an approximately 3200m path connecting it to the beach, where, after a beach landing, cross through the coastal zone, traversing sand, rocks, lava, corals, and plant formations. At this site, you may see large-sized land iguanas, as well as giant Galápagos tortoises, flightless cormorants, blue-footed boobies, Galápagos penguins, pelicans, and marine iguanas.

Return to the yacht to enjoy a delicious lunch, followed by a short sailing towards Tagus Cove. Here take the opportunity to snorkel, surface dive, or kayak. At around 4 pm, hike to the top of the cliff that takes you to a viewpoint of Lake Darwin, a lake that has high saline concentrations.
Possible activities: Kayaking, Snorkeling

Finally, observe Lake Darwin. It doesn’t contain any fish, and only a few lifeforms due to its high salinity. Supposedly, in the past there was an explosive volcanic eruption in the area, since there are large number of volcanic rocks of varying sizes that can be found here. Among the most common are small spherical balls, that are almost perfect in shape, referred to as “lapili” or petrified rain.

Day 5: Punta Espinoza, Fernandina | Punta Vicente Roca, Isabela

Fernandina is the third largest island in the archipelago and has only one point of interest. Punta Espinoza is located on the far northeast part of the island and is a narrow platform of lava and sand that extends from the base of the volcano to the sea. Punta Espinoza is well known for its large colonies of marine iguanas, and its unique fauna full of species such as the flightless cormorant, the Galápagos penguin, the Galápagos falcon, and the Galápagos racer snake. After this visit, there's a possibility to snorkel in the area, swim with marine iguanas and large colonies of sea turtles, and if you are lucky even with beautiful seahorses.
Possible activities: Snorkeling

Isabela Island is believed to have the shape of a seahorse, where Punta Vicente Roca would be considered the mouth. At this location, you may find the remains of an ancient volcano that forms two coves with clear turquoise water, in conjunction with a bay protected from the waves of the ocean. From this point, experience a snorkeling activity, followed by a panga ride along the cliffs to observe the remains of the volcano, or you may explore a cave that is partially found underwater. Nazca boobies and blue-footed boobies perch along the steep cliffs, while the flightless cormorants inhabit the coast.
Possible activities: Snorkeling, Panga ride

At the end of your activity, begin navigating the ship, approach, and cross the equator line. At this point, take a special cocktail to celebrate your crossing to the northern hemisphere.

Day 6: Santiago | Rabida

Puerto Egas is a black sand beach located on the west side of James Bay, northwest of Santiago Island. The site gets its name after Mr. Héctor Egas, who tried to exploit the salt found in this area but failed due to the price of salt in other parts of the country. The hike along the rugged coastline, especially during low tides, allows you to observe many marine species, such as the iguanas relaxing on the rocks, and the sea lions resting in the tidal pools.
Take the opportunity to snorkel near the beach of Puerto Egas in order to enjoy the marine landscape that is relatively different from previously visited locations.
Possible activities: Snorkeling

In the afternoon visit Rábida Island, said to be unique due to the red color of its rocks and sand. The volcanic material on this island is very porous and external factors such as rain, saltwater, and sea breeze have acted as an oxidizing agent. When you arrive, enjoy a snorkeling activity, in order to learn about the marine life in this area, which is full of interesting aquatic species. 
Possible activities: Snorkeling

A short walk along a trail takes you to a lagoon to observe the beautiful terrestrial birds, such as finches, pigeons, yellow warblers, and mockingbirds. This lagoon is also home to a colony of flamingos. The red sand beach, along with the animals, lagoons, and vegetation make this place an excellent location to visit.
Possible activities: Walking

Day 7: Chinese Hat | Bartolomé Island

After a short night sailing, the sun dawns on the beautiful “Sombrero Chino” channel. This small islet is located near the southeastern coast of Santiago Island. Your visit provides an excellent opportunity for the observation and understanding of geological characteristics such as lava tubes and lava flows. The landscape is covered by colonies of sea lions, marine iguanas, and occasionally Galápagos penguins.

The trail is 700 meters (there and back) and the minimum time that is required for this hike is one hour at a moderate pace. Take your time to swim in this beautiful bay area, and be amongst sharks, stingrays, unique species of fish, and occasionally penguins, before returning to the yacht to enjoy a barbecue on the top deck. You can also spend time exploring the area with kayaks and visiting the magnificent geological formations from the surface.
Possible activities: Kayaking

Bartolomé Island is one of the most famous spots in the Galápagos, located in front of Sullivan Bay near the island of Santiago. When arriving at this unique location, have the opportunity to enter the water and swim around the famous Pinnacle Rock, and between the rocks that come out from below the surface of the water, forming an incredible labyrinth for marine life.

Later, visit the top of the island, and observe a variety of volcanic formations, including volcanic bombs, ash cones, lava flows, and lava tubes. This lunar scenery provides one of the most scenic landscapes of the archipelago.
At the second site, you'll have the opportunity to relax on a beautiful beach, which offers excellent opportunities for snorkeling. Multicolored fish, and occasionally penguins and sea turtles have been seen at the base of the Pinnacle Rock, which dominates the landscape of Bartolomé.
Possible activities: Snorkeling

Day 8: North Seymour | Santa Cruz Island

North Seymour is a small island located to the north of Baltra and acts as your last visit on the itinerary aboard Catamaran Yacht Anahí, and to observe the land iguanas of Baltra.

The sand of Bachas Beach is made of decomposed coral, making it white and soft, and it is also one of the favorite nesting places of sea turtles. Nearby, you can also find a small lagoon and be able to observe flamingos, black-necked stilts, and thrushes, as well as two old ships that were abandoned during the Second World War. Furthermore, you may also find sea lions, marine iguanas, and seabirds resting on the beach. Enjoy the tranquility of the beach as well as spend some time with the playful sea lions that like to swim with the visitors.

Day 9: Darwin Bay | Prince Philip's Steps, Genovesa

Darwin Bay is a beautiful bay area due to the great diversity of seabirds that nest in the mangroves that dominate the area. These include red-footed boobies, Nazca boobies, swallow-tailed gulls, Galápagos petrels, seabirds, Darwin finches, mockingbirds, and Galápagos doves.

Climb 25 meters of stairs to Prince Philip's Steps, one of the best bird nesting sites on the islands. Experience the opportunity to snorkel, kayak, hike, and take a ride in a panga.
Possible activities: Kayaking, Snorkeling, Panga Ride

Day 10: Plazas Island | Santa Fe

Plaza Islands have unusual vegetation, which creates an interesting landscape that helps to enhance the fauna and flora of the Galápagos. It is also possible to observe land iguanas in the shade of cacti. The main attractions of the Plaza Islands include land iguanas, sea lions, and swallow-tailed gulls, as well as lizards, island insects, red-beaked sparrows, frigate birds, and pelicans that glide down the cliffs. Then return to the yacht for lunch and a deserved rest.

Santa Fe Island is an extremely scenic island, where you can visit two different trails, with one of them leading to a beautiful viewpoint on the top of a cliff, where you can find endemic land iguanas on the island. The other trail is a small circular path close to the beach, where you may observe another colony of land iguanas. Here you may also have the possibility to kayak, snorkel, panga ride, or walk, in order to observe and enjoy nature. Then return to the yacht for dinner and a time of relaxation.
Possible activities: Walking, Kayaking, Snorkeling, Panga Ride

Day 11: Punta Pitt | Kicker Rock | Lobos Island, San Cristóbal Island

Punta Pitt is considered as one of the most beautiful and impressive sites in the Galápagos, it has become one of the favorite nesting sites for seabirds. Here, see three species of frigate birds and their nesting sites in the same area. Then return to the yacht for lunch.

Kicker Rock is a gigantic and impressive rock formation known locally as ‘León Dormido’ where you can see a multitude of blue-footed boobies, masked boobies, pelicans, and sea birds that will delight you with their majestic flights to be photographed. Later head towards Isla Lobos, an islet separated from San Cristóbal Island by a narrow stretch of calm waters. On the islet, take a walk that will allow you to observe frigates, blue-footed boobies, masked boobies, and a colony of sea lions and snorkel in the arm of the sea, probably with the company of sea lions and different kinds of colorful fish. The atmosphere is one of tranquility and primitive beauty, a typical environment of the Galapagos Islands.
Possible activities: Walking, Snorkeling

Day 12: San Cristobal | Disembark

  • 1 Breakfast
In the morning, the guide will take you to the top of San Cristóbal Island. Following, the tour has 2 options. The first option starts from Puerto Baquerizo Moreno and involves a visit to the El Junco Lagoon. For hundreds of years, rainwater and condensation have caused an accumulation of water in the caldera of an extinct volcano, creating a paradise for frigate birds and turtles.

Alternatively, visit the “Cerro Colorado” turtle breeding center. There, take a pleasant walk along a path that allows you to be in close contact with the turtles, which can vary from the smallest to the oldest of giants.
Possible activities: Walking

After your visit, depart for the airport for your return flight to Quito or Guayaquil.



Cruise the Galapagos on the Anahi ship
Cruise the Galapagos on the Anahi ship
Anahi's beautiful and modern lounge.

Dates & Prices

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Per person starting at
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Main Deck Twin
Four main deck cabins have two lower twin beds.
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Main Deck Double
Two main deck cabins have two twin beds that can convert into one queen bed.
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Upper Deck Suite
Upper deck cabins have one double bed with sofabed.


Please reserve your wetsuit in advance prior to trip

Child Discount

20% discount for children under the age of 12 at the time of Galapagos cruise. Child discounts are conditional and may not apply on certain departures. Please contact us for more information.

Children under 12 may receive discounts on Galapagos flight fares and entrance fees. Contact us for details.
  • 11 Breakfasts, 11 Lunches, 11 Dinners
  • 11 Nights Accommodations
  • Accommodations as listed
  • Ground transportation as listed
  • Activities as listed
  • Meals as listed
  • Access to a 24-7 Emergency line while traveling
  • Bilingual Naturalist Guide 
  • Adventure Life Pre-departure Services and In-Country Assistance (Quito Representative)
  • Shore Excursions, Swimming and Snorkeling 
  • Snorkeling and kayaking equipment is included in the cruise cost and available for your use on board.
  • Water, coffee, and tea.
  • Transfers in Galapagos from/to the Yacht Anahi when guests arrive on the flights purchased through the main ship operator
  • Gratuities
  • Travel Insurance
  • Personal Expenses
  • Flight costs (please request a quote)
  • Additional excursions during free time
  • Fuel and transportation surcharges (when applicable)
  • Galapagos Park Entrance Fee: $200 per adult, $100 per child under 12 (fees of $100 per adult and $50 per child valid on arrivals through Aug 1, 2024). Payable upon arrival to the Galapagos, only in cash dollars. Subject to increase by Galapagos Park Service.
  • Internal Flights: Mainland Ecuador - Galapagos - Mainland Ecuador: $475-675
  • Wetsuits are not included but are available to rent on board - $10/day, or $20 for 4-day tours, $25 for 5-day tours, and $40 for 8-day tours.



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